LR1130 is a very popular button/coin cell battery, often used in remote controls, car keys, garage openers, micro LED flashlights, calculators, toys, etc.
Since it is so popular, practically all battery brands manufacture LR1130 batteries, but they also use many other labels, including LR1131, LR54, SR1130, SR1130SW, AG10, 390, 389, 387, 189, etc. leading to certain confusion among the consumers.
What is the price of Maxell LR1130 Button Coin Cell Battery in Bangladesh?
The latest price of Maxell LR1130 Button Coin Cell Battery in Bangladesh is 45 taka for 1 piece battery. You can buy the Maxell LR1130 Button Coin Cell Battery at better and cheaper price from our website and also you can visit our warehouse between workhour 10am to 8pm.
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We have a large collection of latest Maxell Button Cell Coin Battery to purchase. Order Online at our website Or Visit our warehouse to get your product at lowest price.
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